Island Hopping

Fiji has 333 tropical islands to explore, luckily for a group of volunteers we managed to sneak a $50 deal each on hiring a jet-boat to explore around 6-7 of these islands. This included a lovely meal in the middle of the ocean, all hand-cooked, and plenty of snorkelling, near and far, from the islands to experience the beautiful corals and fishes! Of course, this was enjoyed so much that I did it again on a lovely cruise out to the most symmetrically perfect island anyone could imagine! 

Resorts and Restbite

Before the project started in the village we went to two different resorts. The first being Smugglers Cove as recommended as a place to stay after the flights. The next was the pre-village resort where we had team-building and planning for a few days. Then on the other side of the project once spending 3 weeks in the village, we went to one final resort for two nights called the Beach-House before heading back to Smugglers for the final night on the flight. Let the videos and photos show what was on offer!


Yup, pretty much told no-one...

A last minute idea of jumping 14,000 ft out of a tiny aircraft seemed like the perfect way to conclude my time here in Fiji. Didn't realise what situation I put myself into until the doors opened!

If I learnt one lesson though from this amazing experience is that long hair does fly about when your dropping like a stone in the air so always take the bobble that the instructor recommends at the start :P

Great thanks to Melissa for being the other dare-devil! 

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